10 Weird German Words You Won’t Believe Exist !!
1. Erklärungsnot
Erklärungsnot is a state shared by cheating spouses, lying politicians, and school children without their homework alike. It’s what you find yourself in when put on the spot without a sufficient explanation or excuse for something you have done or failed to do. Most often used in the form of in Erklärungsnot geraten or in Erklärungsnot sein.
2. Innerer Schweinehund
Can’t get up in the morning to be on time for work? Too lazy to go to the gym? Homework remains undone until the last minute? Don’t worry, it’s not your fault. The blame lies with your inner pig dog. That’s the tiny voice in the back of your head which is trying to convince you to live a life of inertia and which you will have to overcome to rid yourself of Kummerspeck.
3. Kummerspeck
When a relationship ends or during other times of sadness, anger, or worry, it’s common to put on a few pounds of Kummerspeck. What it means is the excess weight put on by emotional overeating. So when you find yourself on the couch watching “Bridget Jones’ Diary” with a tub of ice cream, you are in fact feeding your grief bacon.
4. Schattenparker
This word is part of a series of insults for men which accuse them of unmanly behavior. In this case, of parking their car in the shadow to avoid heating up the interior. These kinds of derogatory terms were something of a meme some years back and whole lists of them exist on the internet. Alternatives include Warmduscher (someone who showers with warm water), Sitzpinkler (a man who urinates while sitting down), or Turnbeutelvergesser (someone who used to forget their gym bag in cardio class).
This word literally means being tired of life and was used to describe the dramatic and soul-crushing emotional agony of young Romantic poets (see also Weltschmerz and Weichei). Nowadays lebensmüde is what you call your friends when they are attempting something especially stupid and possibly life threatening. Most people in fail videos on YouTube suffer from latent Lebensmüdigkeit.
6. Luftschloss
The word luft in this context means "sky" and schloss means "castle," coming together to create "castle in the sky." The expression is used to describe someone's unrealistic dream.
7. Sauregurkenzeit
A typical German vacation, which can last anywhere from 3-6 weeks in July through August, is referred to as the Sauregurkenzeit. This literally translates to "pickle time," possibly because cucumbers come into season in the summer. This is the "off-season" where there is nothing happening because everyone is away. Washington, D.C. experiences a Sauregurkenzeit during Congress' 5-week summer recess.
8. Erbsenzähler
Anyone who is obsessed with details and a bit of a control freak would be referred to as an Erbsenzähler by Germans. The word Erbsen means "peas" and Zähler means "tally." Therefore, an Erbsenzähler literally describes a person who counts their peas.
9. Zugzwang
The tail end of this word Zwang means "to be forced." This word is used in scenarios when you feel extreme pressure and stress to make a strategic move, like in a game of chess.
10. Backpfeifengesicht
A very unique German word stemming from the word meaning something along the lines of "a face that is begging to be punched." The word Backpfeife means either "punch or slap" and Gesicht means "face." The German punk bank, Die Ärzte, named one of their songs Backpfeifengesicht since the lyrics mention a person who apparently has a stupid look on their face that frustrates the singer.
10 Weird German Words You Won’t Believe Exist !!
Reviewed by chaterabderahim
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