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Reasons Canada Is Better Than The United States

Reasons Canada Is Better Than The United States

1/ Better Healthcare

I'm Canadian and I think this list was just created by some shallow canadian. Smarter people? More beautiful people? Sounds like an excuse to bash the US. But I do agree, our health care us better. Our healthcare is free! In the states, you are constantly paying, even for a kleenex you use in the hospital. Its a reason many americans cannot afford healthcare, its sad. - 
I have relatives that live in canada and it really depends which state you live inI new some people who had to get a operation down quickly and they would have to wait a month and so they had to go to america to get it done. Also the socialism will end up being the countries down fall
Other than that I love canada to

 2/ Less Crime

I live in the USA and when I grow up I might move to Canada because I just want to.
I feel that Canada is safer than the U.S., where it seems like there's always killing.
Canada has WAY better crime rate then the us! I live there and its awesome
.Where I am, I hear gunshots every day

 3/ Cleaner

I have lived in Canada for 42 years, & it is the cleanest country in the world.

  4/ Better Exploring 

This Whole List is Bull. Sure, the USA isn't perfect, but it is a hell lot better than Canada. - 

5/ Nicer People

I live in Canada but some people here are plain rude! Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of nice people but where I live (Brantford, Ontario) some people are rude. About a month ago when I was walking home from school with my friend some 15 year old teen pushed my friend to the ground and starting throwing threats to me and my friend such as "If you touch me I will slit your throat" and "To weak little mama's boy? " This drove me insanse because we didn't do anything to him. I then rammed into the teen and he fell down to the concrete letting go of my friend in the process. When then ran of as quick as we could before he could get us. He did chase us while saying more insults. He then gave up. Won't forget that day

6/ More Intelligent People

The other vote here made me ashamed at modern American society. Also, statistically, Canadians are more educated than Americans. I'm not even Canadian and I know this.
I remember hearing that on average, Canadians are the most educated people in the world, but please note that more educated doesn't always mean more intelligent
Lol really doubt it also are you one of people that think people who get all a's are smart

Reasons Canada Is Better Than The United States Reasons Canada Is Better Than The United States Reviewed by chaterabderahim on 01:16 Rating: 5

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