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15 Things You Should Know About Germans !!

1- Germans are tall.

2- Germans can eat. And drink. A lot. They have excellent constitutions.

3- Germans worship the pig. He is revered as both a lucky (Glücksschwein) and delicious little fellow in this country and there is no part of the pig that cannot be boiled, shredded, fried, processed, mashed, diced and consumed. And there is no end to the various pig likenesses that can be crafted from marzipan.

4- They enjoy dairy products. The refrigerated section of their supermarkets are homages to experimentations with yoghurt and quark. They will put a cheese or cream-based sauce with most things.

5- They are punctual. It’s in their genetic make up. They cannot be late.

6- German men don’t tend to leer lewdly.

7- They don’t necessarily say it to you face, at the time … but Germans don’t like it when you go against the tide in the supermarket.

8- Germans seem to be distrustful of any beverage that doesn’t sparkle and, despite having excellent tap water, relegate it to second best beneath the bottled, sparkling stuff.

9- Germans love Dackels (Dachshunds) and seem to own several of them at once. Perhaps this adoration of Dachshunds stems from their physical similarity to wurst.

10- Germans seem to enjoy camping and driving campervans through Europe.

11- Germans. Love. Football. Love it. In fact the most passionate you will ever see a German is when they are watching, talking about, thinking about, dreaming about or playing, football.

12- Germans are inordinately proud of their states, districts, district-free cities, city states, regions, sub-regions, dialects, entirely different vocabularies, sub-cultures, traditions, festivals and basically being really different from the ten-house village that is 5km away because that ten-house village is in an entirely different region and therefore nothing like this village.

13- They love their dogs. Often their dogs catch the bus with them and sometimes their dogs even dine with them in restaurants.

14- Apropos, Germans will always try and shake your hand, even if you feel you’ve reached the status of hugging.

15- If there was a study done on countries and how well they dance in a club/bar situation, Germany probably wouldn’t be in the top ten for general skill. But would they would absolutely ace the enthusiasm component.

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15 Things You Should Know About Germans !! 15 Things You Should Know About Germans !! Reviewed by chaterabderahim on 14:05 Rating: 5

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