10 Signs Prove That You Were Born And Raised In Germany !!
1.Three beers are an escalope.
Beer in Germany is widely considered as a food and not as an alcoholic beverage. This Bavarian proverb suggests that the nutritional value of 3 beers equates to having a proper lunch , drinking a beer or two during your lunch break and then returning to work is completely natural for you.
2. At least one of your friends is still at university aged 33.
No, he isn’t teaching or doing a PhD. It just took him some time to find the right direction in life, and he switched majors from Archaeology to Philosophy to Business Studies to Sinology. Finally he found his purpose with the Art History of Uzbekistan in the 9th Century.
3.Efficiency is your middle name.
Working abroad in an international company? Almost certainly you’re the colleague everybody hates. The bloody German, who finishes all of his tasks in no time and leaves his boss desperate to find some new work for him. You’ve seriously tried to work more slowly, to deliver less quality results…but you just can’t help it. German efficiency is in your genes.
4.You’ve probably never payed to see a doctor before.
The German healthcare system is an amazing one; it covers almost everything except breast implants.
5.Insurances give you a great feeling of protection.
Life insurance, fire insurance, insurance against natural disasters, own-occupation disability insurance, additional health insurance, liability insurance, contents insurance, accident insurance…admit it, you’ve got at least half of them. You feel so well protected that, to you, it doesn’t even matter that you’ve just spent half of your salary on things that will likely never happen. Better safe than sorry.
6.You are basically bilingual.
You speak your regional dialect and High German, which, given that there are more than 20 different dialects in Germany, is essential to communicate with your fellow Germans from other federal states. Otherwise a Bavarian could never have a conversation with a Friesian without an interpreter. After all, these dialects actually belong to two different branches of the German language families.
7.Table manners are really important to your parents.
“Don’t speak with your mouth full! Sit up straight! Elbows off the table!” Aren’t German parents a pleasure to have around at dinner time?
8.The expression “7-ish” makes you cringe.
There is either 7:00 or 7:05 or 7:10. For you, 7-ish is just an excuse for people who can’t manage their time effectively to be punctual. Mainly, you’re just pissed that you’ll never manage to be somewhere around 7-ish. You’ll always be there at 6:55. Even when you’ve sent a text with your sincere apologies that you’ll probably be late, you’ll still be there at 6:55.
9.You never, ever step on lawns.
Even if you’re in one of the few parks where there is no sign prohibiting stepping on the lawn, you still feel like a criminal just for going near the grass.
10.Quarry ponds were the summer paradise of your youth.
Basically every German city has at least one. Today, just the smell of sunscreen makes you nostalgic for those heady days of endless ice cream and hanging out by the quarry pond after school.
10 Signs Prove That You Were Born And Raised In Germany !!
Reviewed by chaterabderahim
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