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Boston Accent Trailer Featuring Seth Myers: It’s Wicked Good Kid

Boston Accent Trailer Featuring Seth Myers: It’s Wicked Good Kid

In the spirit of all things BostonSeth Myers has released a “trailer” for the movie Boston Accent.  This is classic…and the commentary is even funnier than the actual accents.  Not to mention, any time someone mentions Revere, my heart smiles.   My only gripe with this is that while I commend them for starting sentences with the word “bro”, they completely forgot to start any sentences with the word “kid.”  Maybe they’re waiting for the sequel.  Enjoy!

Boston Accent Trailer Featuring Seth Myers: It’s Wicked Good Kid Boston Accent Trailer Featuring Seth Myers: It’s Wicked Good Kid Reviewed by chaterabderahim on 14:40 Rating: 5

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